The Armina Project
From 1991 to 2005 I sat down with my grandmother Armina with a video camera asking questions or simply flipping through photographs and reflecting.
Most of the footage is intended for family only, but there are going to be many public releases from this project on the Bojo History YouTube Channel
Armina and Doris in the early 50s
First released clip of The Armina Project takes us back to early 1915 Gedikian Family, Armenians living in Adapazari, Turkey.
Aram Gedikian and Aram Gamian in Adapazari 1915
The Armina Project
Featuring the voice of Armina Boujoulian
Recorded between 1991 to 2005
Boujoulian Gedikian Yazejian Hadamosian Family History
Crew: Dan Boujoulian, Doris Krikorian, Raymond Boujoulian