Free MP3s from Detroit TasteFest

The VisualNoiz Boyz are pushing towards our self-imposed deadlines and are whipping up some entertainment for your viewing pleasure. It’s top secret stuff or I’d brag about it right here.

We are still looking at a Halloween release for Too Dead To Die.
Initial release in Detroit, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles & Minneapolis. If your town is not listed, and you know of a local theatre that allows independent movies, please let us know.

August 11th is the 3rd Anniversary of VisualNoiz, stay tuned for more on that later.

We must apologize for the pointless news announcement e-mailed earlier today. We can’t even blame that one on computers, it was human error. The message was supposed to post to the web-site only and not go to the mailing list, but one of us clicked something they shouldn’t have.

The e-mail earlier mentioned new MP3 downloads available. These were recorded in Detroit and Hamtramck during TasteFest and at the after party Friday night at the Belmont.

These are all posted to the multimedia index page at

If I had to choose favorites, they would be
The Hard Lessons – Inspired/Admired
Johnny Headband – Maneater
Los Lobos – La Bamba > Good Lovin’ > La Bamba
Los Lobos – Pawn Shop (Sublime Cover)

You may click on the artist of your choice below to bring up all songs from that set:

[Los Lobos – Main Stage]
[The Hard Lessons – Pure Detroit Stage]
[Haf/Life – Belmont]
[Johnny Headband – Belmont]
[The Hard Lessons – Belmont]