A New Direction

Jason Roth is headed to Detroit right now. When he gets here we will be brainstorming some new ideas and talking about our goals of where to take VisualNoiz in the future.

We are working on ideas for a serial cartoon and we’ll decide what will become of our unfinished projects:

Bad Day Killed due to hard drive crash.

Winners and Losers Awaiting final edits and lots of 3D animation

Dr. Ferro and Pals – Lots of animation keyframing needed

The Next Breath Awaiting Hollywood budget or guerilla filmmaking workaround to necessary locations

Ones and Zeroes Lost steam when a pivotal location became unavailable

We have many dreams but not much free time. We have to make the most of the time we do have to spend on our side projects. Our lives and jobs are busy, but we must make time for the things we love, such as creating.

2005 will not disappoint