2005 Hamtramck Blowout MP3 Audio

Since I’m not making any movies with it…I took my DAT recorder to the Hamtramck Blowout…

Currently uploading tracks for the following bands. By Monday all bands should have at least 1 track online and when I get back from Europe the rest of the sets will go online.

http://www.visualnoiz.com/multimedia has the full list or click on the band of your choice.

If you are linking to us, use these URLs
[Blowout MP3 index: 20052006]

Teenage Alcoholics @ The Painted Lady (Formerly known as Lily’s)

Birdgang @ Baker’s Streetcar

Loretta Lucas @ Baker’s Streetcar

Makkafroi @ Locker Room (My hippie boys woot woot!)

The Howling Diablos @ Paychecks Lounge (A Detroit staple)

The Strange @ The Attic (Eric Nordin’s band)

Broadzilla @ The New Dodge (gotta love the ‘zilla)

The Sights – Knights of Columbus Hall

Bulldog – Paycheck’s Lounge

What I saw of Bulldog’s set was one of those amazing random things life throws at you. I left KoC with the intention of going to see Downtown Brown. Instead of going to the Locker Room I went where I want AFTER the Locker Room yesterday. I went to Paychecks. Set up my mic, started recording and then asked who the band was. I was in the wrong place, but i happened to bump into the right friends while I was there.

These guys were phenomenal. Next time I see them I hope I can tape a whole set. They’ve been one of those secret Detroit/New York things.

Finding this kind of random beauty is a common theme at Hamtramck Blowout. Detroit’s finest show up… some give you what you expected, but the rest blow your mind and soul into new dimensions. Why don’t they do this in August?