Summer News / Armenians & Greeks Needed for Xenia’s Documentary

Armenians/Greeks Needed for Documentary

Hi everyone, sorry about all these casting call notices lately if they are annoying please tell me, but friends are asking for help and Jason and I don’t have any real news to post about so I use our fanbase to help others.

Well OK I guess I’ll give a quick summer summary of the VisualNoiz boys before referring you to a call out for help from Xenia.

Jason – He is still finishing up Too Dead To Die. I honestly think we are weeks away from wrapping production. Expect a DVD by Christmas. Within the month, I’d like to put a quicktime online of the scene where my father as a zombie attacks me as a gangster. It’s great stuff.

Dan – I am still learning the discreet smoke editing system @ work. I may be putting up new edits of Winners and Losers and Bad Day online soon (within weeks.) My 3 week long West Coast trip was incredible. There are pics on my blog @ see

I am also starting to write a documentary with Mike Murphy which is very election-year orientated. It’s a civil rights inspired documatary/narrative drama. I haven’t done a documentary since 1998 so we’ll see how it goes but we feel very passionate about the topic which I will not mention you have to wait. If we can get it together it could be done by October. We have to do all our traveling and interviewing on the weekends so i don’t conflict with my full time job. Mike is now a law student at UofM and we’ve always written well together, this will be our first non-comedy together.

OK, on to Xenia’s call out for help…


My friend Xenia is looking for some help tracking down Armenians for a documentary.. if anyone can help her out

let me know or message her on friendster.


Xenia’s friendster profile is @

here’s her message-

I’m doing research on a documentary about what happened in Smyrna in 1922 when the defeated Greek army retreated and Turks were massacring the Greeks and Armenians in the city. The docu focuses on Asa Jennings, an American who managed to save almost 300,000 of them.

We are trying to find any of those survivors to document their testimony, or the families of the survivors, or those who might have lived in Smyrna between 1915-1922. Would you mind sending out this message…I’m sure through friends of friends I can get in touch with the right people.

I am going to be sending out a more systematic message through Armenian/Greek media outlets, but I just thought I’d ask you.

thanks dude, yours, xenia