2004 Site Activity BOOMS!

VisualNoiz.com site activity has been steadily increasing since we switched servers in April. This month alone, we’ve had over 4000 downloads from the Multimedia section. People are watching clips from Too Dead To die, listening to mp3s of Detroit bands I’ve recorded, such as Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Commander and Gordon Bennett as well as Glen Philips while he was playing the Magic Bag.

Thanks for all your support, everyone!

As the BUZZ surrounding TOO DEAD TO DIE gets to it’s maximum, we hope to be giving you new things to look at frequently. Desktop Backgrounds, Trailers, outtakes, maybe even some cast interviews… keep your eye on the multimedia section.

We’re only 12 days into October so I’m sure the activity by the end of this month will be off this chart!

Usage summary for visualnoiz.com

Thanks everyone!

**REVISED 10/30**

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